Pourquoi j'apprécie autant le lilas

Why do I love lilacs so much?

Throughout these blog articles, I take pleasure in telling you where my favorite collections come from, as I did for tulips , sunflowers and the rustic Boréale collection. Today, it is the turn of lilacs to be put forward.


As some flowers only last a short time, some collections on my shop are ephemeral, offered only for a limited time. Lilacs, one of my favorite flowers, come out in June and only last a few days. They must therefore be fully appreciated, despite their short duration.

What this flower reminds me of is the importance of the present moment, of enjoying each moment as if it were the last. You have to take advantage of the little pleasures around you, every day.

On the other hand, I also fell in love with their sweet enchanting scent. By the way, did you know that in orders with a product with a lilac design, I spray a lilac-scented mist on it? So that makes the experience even more unique. I particularly like the ones from La fabrique Plantarom.

This flower also reminds me of three memories that I hold dear. As a child, I had the good fortune to have a lilac in my bedroom window. There are these olfactory memories that are so powerful. Later, at my friend Maryse's wedding, bouquets of lilacs were tied on all the pews. It also reminds me of my first ever stay at a bed and breakfast, by the name of Limestone & Lilac. Every detail was perfect, from the comforting decor to the soap lying on our pillow with that sweet smell.

From now on, the lilac collection is available until the end of the first week of June. It comes in several pieces, including a soap pump, wine glasses, an insulating gourd, a butter dish and oil bottles. To discover the whole collection, I invite you to search the word lilac in the search bar on the website. I will only create a few unique and exclusive copies, in order to make this collection even more precious.

And you, what does this purple flower inspire in you?

Text and photos by Camille Labonté

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