Ma passion pour les tulipes

My passion for tulips

As far back as I can remember, tulips have always had a special meaning for me. I wanted to tell you where my passion for this spring flower comes from.


It all started when I had my first daughter, Camille (my photographer and web and social media assistant), while we lived in Ottawa. Born in May, I called her my baby tulip and we took her very first photos in the flowerbeds along the Rideau Canal during the Canadian Tulip Festival.

A few years later, my husband's military career took us to Holland, the Netherlands. Holland is known worldwide as the paradise of tulips. We lived there for three years and every year we would go for a family walk in the tulip fields. There were all colors, it was absolutely beautiful! When our family or friends in Canada came to visit us in the spring, we showed them this unmissable landscape that is the pride of the Netherlands. It was also by visiting these flowery fields that my mother realized one of her greatest dreams and I keep the immense memory of this precious moment spent by her side.

Today, we have been in Gatineau for almost 10 years. I am very happy to be so close to Ottawa and to be able to visit the Canadian Tulip Festival every spring. I had the pleasure of presenting my collection for two consecutive years on the Festival site.

By the way, did you know that this festival was created as a symbol of friendship between Canada and the Netherlands for the support we gave them during the Second World War?

Thus, I paint this collection since it reminds me of those beautiful moments spent in Europe. From now on, this ephemeral collection will only be available in the spring, during the months of April and the beginning of May. During this period, it's your chance to get a creation bearing this flower, a symbol of peace, gentleness and renewal.

Basically, these creations are like bouquets of flowers that never fade, that keep their timeless beauty.

Text and photos by Camille Labonté

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